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Is Ketogenic Diet for you?

What Is Ketogenic Diet?

“Ketogenic” is a term for a low-carb diet. The idea is for you to get more calories from protein and fat and less from carbohydrates. So you cut back most on the carbs that are easy to digest, like sugar, soda, pastries, and white bread.

Keto foods

How It Works

When you eat less than 50 grams of carbs a day, your body eventually runs out of fuel (blood sugar) it can use quickly. This typically takes 3 to 4 days. Then you’ll start to break down protein and fat for energy, which can make you lose weight. This is ketosis. It’s important to note that the keto diet is a short term diet. That’s focused on weight loss rather than the pursuit of health benefits.

Who Uses It?

People use a keto diet most often to lose weight, but it can help manage certain medical conditions.. It may help people with heart disease and certain brain diseases. But also epilepsy too and even acne. But there needs to be more research in those areas. Talk with your doctor first to find out if it’s safe for you to try a ketogenic diet, especially if you have type 1 diabetes.

Faster than other diets

A ketogenic diet may help you lose more weight in the first 3 to 6 months than some other diets. This may be because it takes more calories to change fat into energy than it does to change carbs into energy. It’s also possible that a high-fat, high-protein diet satisfies you more, so you eat less.

How about the Vegan Ketogenic Diet?

HealtHut Keto Corner

A Vegan Ketogenic diet would appear to be the ultimate diet in terms of ethical consumption and fat loss However, meeting in the middle is not without compromise.

A different approach

In contrast to the traditional Ketogenic diet that is based on the heavy consumption of animal fats, it would appear that the Vegan diet and Ketogenic diet are two opposite sides of a coin. A typical Vegan diet is structured based on a high carb-to-fat macronutrient ratio. On the other hand, the Ketogenic diet requires a high fat-to-carb macronutrient ratio. Depending on which side you’re on, you’re probably armed with a study supporting your argument while debunking the other.

…but same results

But could there actually be overlap? Could you enjoy the fat-burning benefits of nutritional ketosis while abiding by the ethical principles of Veganism? Is there such a thing as a Vegan Keto Diet? The answer is of course, yes! The macronutrient ratio of the Ketogenic Diet is non-negotiable. Therefore most of your calories should come from fat, with very few soluble carbohydrates (typically no more than 20 grams daily). The consumption of animal products with Veganism is non-negotiable. It means all meat and dairy should be excluded. As difficult to fathom it may be, there are plenty of options.

Side Effects

The more common ones aren’t usually serious. You might have constipation, mild low blood sugar, or indigestion. Much less often, low-carb diets can lead to kidney stones or high levels of acid in your body (acidosis). Other side effects can include the “keto flu,” which may include headache, weakness, and irritability, bad breath and fatigue.

Cons of Ketogenic Diet

Although the benefits of ketogenic diet outweigh the disadvantages, some health experts argue that it comes with a few pitfalls. These include Triggers Fatigue and Brain Fog, Altered Blood Lipid Profile, Triggers Micronutrient Deficiencies,  Triggers Ketoacidosis (especially if you are diabetic)


The Ketogenic diet can be a great way to lose weight for some people but not everyone. Although it has many benefits that outweigh the pitfalls, it is important to take care when you are switching to such a diet. It is thus advisable to consult with your health care provider before making the big move. Be ready to face some challenges after you turn to keto diet. Be ready to enjoy many health benefits if you stick to this carbohydrate restricting diet.


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