Hemp Nuts 150g


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19 in stock

Hemp Nut

Hemp seeds are a rich source of nutrients. Part of the hemp plant, these seeds are technically a nut that can be eaten raw or used to make milk, oil, cheese substitutes, or protein powder.

Nutrition Information

Hemp seeds also contain high levels of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids. Studies have shown that the ideal ratio for the fatty acids in hemp seeds is 3 to 1. At this ratio, these fatty acids help to support healthy cholesterol levels, immune system function, and may help regulate your metabolism.

  1. Protein

Hemp seeds contain almost as much protein as soybeans. These seeds are a complete source of protein, meaning that they provide all nine essential amino acids. Hemp seeds are especially rich in an amino acid called arginine, which has benefits for heart health.

  1. Unsaturated fats

The health benefits of polyunsaturated fats, especially omega-3 fatty acids, are becoming increasingly well known. Hemp seeds are a great source of essential fatty acids, such as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is an omega-3. In general, people tend to eat too many omega-6s and too few omega-3s, but adding hemp seeds to the diet may help to promote a balance. Also, hemp seeds are low in saturated fats and contain no trans fats.

  1. Fiber, Minerals and vitamins

Much of the fiber in a hemp seed lies in its outer hull, or shell. Hemp seeds contain an impressive array of vitamins and minerals and are especially rich in:

  • vitamin E
  • magnesium
  • phosphorous
  • potassium

They are also a good source of iron, zinc, and B vitamins, including:

  • niacin
  • riboflavin
  • thiamine
  • vitamin B-6
  • folate



