Oat 450g


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Oats are a whole-grain cereal mainly grown in North America and Europe. They are a very good source of fiber, especially beta glucan, and are high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Whole oats are the only food source of avenanthramides, a unique group of antioxidants believed to protect against heart disease. Due to their many benefits, such as lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels, oats have gained considerable attention as a health food.

They’re most commonly rolled or crushed and can be consumed as oatmeal (porridge) or used in baked goods, bread, muesli, and granola. Whole-grain oats are called oat groats. They are most commonly rolled or crushed into flat flakes and lightly toasted to produce oatmeal.

Oats and Health

Oats contain several components that have been proposed to exert health benefits. The primary type of soluble fiber in oats is beta-glucan, which has been researched to help slow digestion, increase satiety, and suppress appetite. Beta-glucan can bind with cholesterol-rich bile acids in the intestine and transport them through the digestive tract and eventually out of the body. Whole oats also contain plant chemicals called phenolic compounds and phytoestrogens that act as antioxidants to reduce the damaging effects of chronic inflammation that is associated with various diseases like cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Source :  https://www.everydayhealth.com/diet-nutrition/diet/oatmeal-benefits-risks-recipes-more/